[RPG] Mundane Saving Throws


I understand that 5e has abilities and spells which require you to use the different ability saves but under which mundane (assuming no magic or monster abilities) circumstances would you use either Intelligence or Charisma as saving throws?

I can picture using the others: Constitution against fatigue, Dexterity to avoid obstacles, etc but not for Intelligence or Charisma.

Best Answer

I find examples are the most effective answer for things like this.

A mundane intelligence saving throw

Player: "Dammit, I can't remember what the name of the mayor is. But my PC is really smart and has an excellent memory!"

DM: "Uh, yeah, that'd be out of character. Make an Int saving throw and I'll tell you. In the unlikely case the roll fails, this is one of those rare things your PC has a hard time remembering."

A mundane charisma saving throw

DM: "You're weak from the poison and the oozing wound in your side, but if you show weakness or frailty during your address the Senate then all your plans—and injuries!—will be for naught. Just breathing brings new stabs of pain that are very distracting and unpredictable. How are you handling that?"

Player: "I'm just going to do everything I can to project a sense of strength and health while I deliver my speech. I can rest when I'm dead."

DM: "Ow, hardcore. Alright then, in addition to your normal skill check to deliver the speech, I'm going to ask for a Charisma saving throw for you to keep your composure when your injury suddenly causes you pain during the speech. Just one roll for the whole thing is fine, not for each pang."