[RPG] NPC-only interactions by player request


So, my players want the NPCs to communicate with one another more, and I don't know how to handle that without taking spotlight away from the PCs… Anything I can do to compromise?

Best Answer

NPCs can talk to each other without talking to each other.

You cool your heels in the administrative annex for a bit and listen to the conversation drifting in from the break room about the new food truck on Fourth Street that rapidly turns into a compare-and-contrast session about lunch.

The receptionist is patiently detailing the need to schedule a conference room for the third time to either one extremely forgetful person or an entire phone chain who don't explain anything to each other.

Through your boss's window you see a very animated discussion around a map of Pakistan that, yes, has finally reached its fifth color of marker.

I find it far easier to describe what a conversation is about than to actually come up with the content of the conversation, and honestly, describing what a conversation's about is probably going to save a lot of other people's time as well. For purposes of establishing scene texture and sketching out character, the words people say are very seldom as important as the way they say them.