[RPG] One of the friends/players committed suicide. How to continue the game from here


Content Warning: Suicide

I'm posting anonymously for privacy and I'm sorry if this is kind of disjointed, the topic is obviously very emotional.

About a month ago one member of our friend group, and a player in a D&D game I DM, committed suicide extremely unexpectedly. We're all guys in Junior/Senior year of college. There were 6 of us and we all met living in the same building Freshman year. Four of us (including the guy who died) lived together in an apartment and the other two lived with SO's.

We haven't done our weekly game since but today one of the other players asked me when we might play again. I'm not sure what to say or how to continue the game.

Has anyone experienced a similar situation in the past? How did you handle it?

Best Answer

Many years ago, a member of the AD&D group I was in died in an accident. We took some time off, as a group, then got back together to play.

The first session, the GM brought each of the player parties we'd had together in a situation drawn from their previous adventures, an all-out battle with the missing player's characters at the forefront and the biggest, baddest evil we'd ever fought opposing. The intent, obviously, was to provide closure for us, the players, as the characters died heroically. In the one battle we won (due to an unexpected -- by the GM -- invocation of a setting-specific power by my own character, the only PC who could have done so in that situation), the missing player's PCs were translated into the heavens.

It's a bit different situation from suicide, but allowing the missing player's character(s) a heroic death with the rest of the group at their back seems a very good way to provide closure to the other players.