[RPG] One of the player is writing an extensive background for the one shot, how to tell him we’re not using background for this one-shot


I've announced a one shot in a Discord server, and prospective players have contacted me to join it. We don't know each other.

I asked them to prepare their character before the session, and it turned out that one of the player has not yet submitted their character because he is still writing the backstory.

While usually I'm very appreciative of an extensive backstory of a character, I don't plan to use them for this particular one shot. I don't plan this scenario to be RP-heavy. However, I don't want to break his attachment to this character or break his immersion in the world. I just want to make him know that we won't be using it for the one shot.

How can I tell him we won't be using any background story for the one shot, without ruining his excitement in writing the background?

Note: Other players didn't submit any background story, just background.

Best Answer

"This one-shot won't be focused on characters' backstories: I prefer you not to spend so much time writing yours. I need you to submit your character by the date of XXX, you can send me the backstory later if you want: I don't need it for this scenario."

The fact this player has a detailed background shouldn't be a problem by itself. What can be a problem is:

  • This player may make the game start later than planned, because he needs more time to write.

  • This player may be disappointed by their backstory not coming up at all during the game.

  • This player may develop a My Guy Syndrom

None of those problems have to happen, they just are possibilities. Without knowing the person it is difficult to know how likely they are to come up.

Those problems are caused by the amount of time and effort the player puts in writing. You can't really judge how much effort is actually deployed, but apparently it takes time. With my suggestion you mention the logistical time problem of sending their character late and you tell about your intentions of not using the backstory. It doesn't do much to prevent My Guy Syndrom but I honestly think you shouldn't anticipate this very problem at this point: it is too early and you don't know the player enough to know if it has a chance to happen.