[RPG] Optional but official rules that balance “instant death” threats in DnD3.5


I'm looking for optional rules from (semi)official publications that offer players (and their characters) a chance to avoid "instant death" threats (such as the petrifying gaze of a (CR7) medusa) against which usually only one single saving throw can be made.

Please, recommend me the book(s) that in your experience offer the players the best balanced "fighting chance" against creatures and effects posing such a threat. (I'm thinking "hero points" that could be sacrificed (spent or rolled) to avoid death or some such solution.)

(Note please that I'm not looking for house rules. I'm interested in preferably Wizards-published stuff that you actually found good.)

Best Answer

The best link I've found is to Unearthed Arcana which talks about adjusting saves for massive damage. It should be possible to extend that system to insta-death saves for other things as well.

The only other solution I would recommend is to back-port some rules from 4e, where conditions worsen over multiple saves. While it isn't a formalized 3.5 thing, it was clearly introduced to combat the same problem. The typical progression is:

  1. Slowed
  2. Immobilized
  3. Petrified

And works quite well for increasing the feeling of risk without risking insta-death by one bad roll.

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