[RPG] Should I talk to the DM about a murder hobo that’s derailing the campaign


I'm in high school and very new to dungeons and dragons so I have no experience with this. I joined a new group recently made up of 3 mildly experienced players and a relatively new DM.

Our DM decided to try Mines of Phandelver but it got horribly derailed. It was going good until I missed one meeting and one of the other PC's decided to go murder hobo, burn down the Inn in the first town, and use oil to try and kill as many civillians as possible. After this, the DM missed two meeting without telling anyone (with all the players showing up). After he came back, he made it so that the entire party appeared as criminals despite no one else doing anything. He's also not pulling his punches trying to kill the murder hobo through combat.

The DM isn't saying anything about this but I'm worried that it's going to get out of control. Should I try to talk to the DM or PC about this or should I let it play out?

Best Answer

You need to talk to everybody

Clearly, you're no longer enjoying the campaign as it is. You came into the game with a different expectation than what you're getting, and that's what a Session 0 is for.

Point out that you thought that this was going to be a game about adventuring heroes and that not everybody is in agreement on that idea.

After he came back, he made it so that the entire party appeared as criminals despite no one else doing anything.

You're traveling with a known murderer, are aware of that fact, and haven't made any attempts to arrest him for his crimes. In any realistic world, you're the guy's accomplices.