[RPG] Two handed damage on a lance while mounted


One of my players is playing a mounted character, and is claiming that since a lance is a two handed weapon, that it deals double Strength damage, even when wielded one handed while mounted. While this doesn't make sense, does it follow the rules as written?

Best Answer


The lance does double damage if used from the back of a charging mount.

Benefit: A lance deals double damage when used from the back of a charging mount. While mounted, you can wield a lance with one hand.

This has nothing to do with the separate rule that if you wield a one-handed weapon two-handed, or a two-handed weapon, it does 1 1/2 x STR damage (not 2x).

One-Handed: A one-handed weapon can be used in either the primary hand or the off hand. Add the wielder's Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with a one-handed weapon if it's used in the primary hand, or 1/2 his Strength bonus if it's used in the off hand. If a one-handed weapon is wielded with two hands during melee combat, add 1-1/2 times the character's Strength bonus to damage rolls.

Two-Handed: Two hands are required to use a two-handed melee weapon effectively. Apply 1-1/2 times the character's Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with such a weapon.

I will note that in Hero Lab it correctly simulates this behavior. My cavalier with a +4 STR mod, when mounted, can hold in one hand for d8+4 or two for d8+6. If I am charging, this becomes 2d8+8 one-handed or 2d8+12 two-handed.

Furthermore, this isn't some strange superheroic fighting style - before the development of the vamplate, holding on with both hands was really the only way to employ a spear or lance on horseback. Also note that lances aren't fragile or designed to break (jousting lances perhaps, but not ones made for war).

Lancing Two Handed Also Lancing Two Handed