[RPG] way to increase an inquisitor’s judgments per day


I am playing a 6th level inquisitor in Pathfinder, and would like to take better advantage of their judgement and bane abilities. I know that you can increase the bane abilities rounds per day with the extended bane and extra bane feats. Is there a way to increase the amount of times per day that I can use my judgments? As of right now, I can only use it twice per day.

Best Answer

There is none

Other than advancing levels in the inquisitor class, there are no official ways to obtain more uses of the supernatural ability judgment.

The feat Judgment Surge increases the efficacy of an inquisitor's judgments as if the creature's inquisitor class level were 3 higher, but the feat has no effect on the number of times per day that the ability can be activated.

I suspect that the reason that no such feat or magic item exists for increasing the number of judgments per day is probably that the ability judgement is very strong, and any such feat would automatically be the best choice every time it could be taken, but no developer has confirmed my suspicion.