[RPG] way to learn someone’s level in game in DnD3.x


Is there a way to learn someone's level in-game in DnD3.x? (…or possibly Pathfinder?)

Wait, I know, levels are an abstraction and a game mechanism, and should not come into play in-game. Yet, there are tell-tale signs: abilities that you gain only at a certain… level, and then there are the spells, your resilience, etc.

Should I want to run a game in which levels are somewhat more explicit (for example, a world inspired by Terry Pratchett's Discworld, where wizards do have and know of levels (of spells and spellcasting ability, at least, afaik)), what ways would the official systems provide, if any, to determine someone's level in-game? Are there any methods to discern such information, as a character (be it a player character or an NPC), within the world? '"He's a wizard of the seventeenth level," the prince said. "I wouldn't mess with him, if I were you."'

Best Answer

Complete Adventurer (a 3.5 supplement) defines an expanded use for the Sense Motive skill - Assess Opponent.

In short, it allows you to learn the relative strength of you and your opponent, in terms of your level and the opponent's Challenge Rating (which for most common humanoids is equal to their level). The results are well-defined, and range from "A pushover" to "A dire threat".

The rules text is on page 102 of Complete Adventurer.