[RPG] What does Menzoberranzan look like


Running a 5e campaign, I know a lot has changed about Menzo. For instance Lolth is no longer the sole power with her children coming back. My campaign is taking us to Menzoberranzan, but I don't really know how to describe it, or shops, or houses there. I've been googling and searching all morning but I can't find more than the wikis. The wikis are great but they describe history and events, not physical descriptions of architecture or the common goings on.

Best Answer

I'd highly recommend that you purchase or borrow Out of the Abyss, since it is the only source of information about Menzoberranzan in 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The information is pretty huge and is about 20 pages long. There are lots of physical descriptions. Furthermore there is tons of material about the Underdark. If your adventure is taking place there, it would help you a lot.

Not to make you aggrieved, here is some crucial info:

  • Population: 20 000 drow plus thousands of slaves (of various races).
  • The government is a Matriarchal theocracy worshiping Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders.
  • The city has a large standing army of trained drow warriors and mages, bolstered by armed slaves and magical wards. The citizens themselves form a formidable militia.
  • You can easily purchase well-trained slaves, fungi, molds and exotic creatures for food (even ones imported from the surface), poisons, potions, oils and elixirs, jewelry, perfumes and silk.
  • The most important organizations are:
    • The ruling Council (comprised of the matron mothers of the eight most powerful drow noble houses in the city)
    • the Church of Lolth (based in Arach-Tinilith)
    • Breagan D'aerthe (company of drow spies, mercenaries and assassins)
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