[RPG] What years/year ranges in the Forgotten Realms correspond to what D&D editions


The current edition of D&D (5th) has adventures in the Forgotten Realms set in 1489-1493 DR.

During what years in the Forgotten Realms are adventures from each edition set?

(Answers should include 5th edition, for completeness)

Best Answer

The AD&D 1st Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Gray Box) is set at the start of 1358 DR.¹

The AD&D 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting box is set at the start of 1368 DR.²

The D&D 3rd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book is set in 1372 DR.³

The D&D 4th Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide book is set in 1479 DR.⁴

The D&D 5th Edition Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide book is set at the start of 1490 DR.⁵ The adventure Princes of the Apocalypse is set in 1491,⁶ and Waterdeep: Dragon Heist in 1492.⁷


¹ ‘Special Calendar Days’, Cyclopedia of the Realms, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (TSR, 1987), p6.

² ‘Marking the Years’, A Grand Tour of the Realms, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (TSR, 1993), p.22.

³ ‘The Roll of Years’, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Wizards of the Coast, 2001), p.78.

⁴ ‘Your Campaign in 1479 DR’, Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide (Wizards of the Coast, 2008), p.40.

⁵ ‘The Present Age’, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (Wizards of the Coast, 2015), pp.17–18.

⁶‘Time in the Realms’, Elemental Evil: Princes of the Apocalypse (Wizards of the Coast, 2015), p.19.

⁷ Christopher Perkins [@ChrisPerkinsDnD], 2018, Nov 8. 1492 DR, the Year of Three Ships Sailing (I kid you not). #wotcstaff #SeaMaidensFaire [Tweet]. Twitter.