[RPG] Which is better: casting Witch Bolt, or spamming Fire Bolt


In a scenario of 5 rounds in level 1, where spell range doesn't matter, and the enemy's AC gives you a hit chance of 50%. Which is better: casting Witch Bolt, or spamming Fire Bolt for 5 consecutive rounds?

Best Answer

At Low ACs, Witch Bolt is better. At high ACs, Firebolt is better

The trick with Witch Bolt is that the initial casting of the spell isn't spammable at level 1. You only get to use it twice, and if either casting fails, the damage fails completely. Conversely, with Firebolt, you can keep using the spell even if prior uses failed. So if Witch Bolt successfully lands, you have a source of guaranteed damage, but if it fails, you can't just endlessly recast it. You can try again the next turn, and... well.

The average damage from these spells, over five rounds, looks like this:

Name To-Hit 1 To-Hit 11 To-Hit 14 To-Hit 16 To-Hit 18 To-Hit 20
(AC 6) (AC 16) (AC 19) (AC 21) (AC 23) (AC 25)
Firebolt 27.500 15.125 11.000 8.250 5.500 2.750
Witch Bolt 31.200 16.575 11.700 8.450 5.200 1.950

The To-hit 11 is your case: you'll hit on an 11 or better, meaning you hit 50% of the time. AC values assume +3 to primary spellcasting modifier.

The other consideration is that the damage-over-time effect of Witch Bolt cannot crit, but the repeated uses of Firebolt do each have a chance to crit. Outside of very high AC creatures though (To-Hit of 18 or 20, which correspond to ACs of 23-25; very unlikely for a Level 1 character) Witch Bolt will end up being better.