[RPG] Who is “Tucker” from the Dragon magazine article “Tucker’s Kobolds”


Tucker's Kobolds, from an article in Dragon magazine issue 127, is an example of challenging higher-level player characters with lower-level monsters.

Who is the real person behind "Tucker", and is he still around?

Best Answer

Tucker was the Game Master for a game at Fort Bragg that Roger Moore (No relation) was involved in.

From the DND-Wiki:

Tucker's kobolds were a fictional tribe of kobolds made famous by Roger E. Moore's editorial in Dragon magazine issue 127. The editorial described a dungeon crawl adventure designed and run by a Game Master in Fort Bragg, North Carolina named Tucker in which a party of high-level adventurers entered a dungeon whose first level was inhabited by kobolds.


Tucker's kobolds became a famous part of Dungeons & Dragons lore, often referred to as an example of how cunning and local knowledge can be used by physically weak opponents to overcome much more powerful adversaries.

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