What variants/alternative options are there for half-elves


The 3.5e half-elf is underpowered; even WotC admits it.

The issue is, I want the Mark of Storm, which is exclusive to the half-elven d’Lyrandar family, one of Eberron’s Dragonmarked Houses. The Least Dragonmark feat’s prerequisite reads “Member of appropriate dragonmarked race and house,” (Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 56), and the “dragonmarked race[s] and house[s]” are listed in a table:


Mark House Race Influence
Storm Lyrandar Half-elf Windwrights Guild, Raincallers Guild

(Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 63)

Thus, for the Mark of Storm, the Least Dragonmark feat has a requirement of “Race: Half-elf.”

Elves have traditionally been scorned by 3.5e optimizers too, but that’s mostly because the Constitution penalty sucks so much, and plenty of elven subraces avoid that. Some of those races are even fairly good. So it’s not terribly hard to optimize an elf character. But with half-elves, there seems to be far fewer options.

Thus, I am interested in any official expansions, variants, subraces, or whatever for half-elves. I am not looking for ways to “count as” a half-elf despite not being one—no shapechanging, polymorphing, no Racial Emulation feat, etc. I also don’t want to spend a feat or class level (I’d consider RHD, and I’m willing to listen about LA, though odds are very strong I’d not go with either). I’m really just looking for other half-elf races. The only ones I know of¹ are the forestlord half-elf and deepwyrm half-drow from Dragon Magic, both of which are extremely unlikely for a scion of House Lyrandar, considering how both dragons and elves reacted to the half-green-dragon elf Erandis d’Vol.

I am not interested in templates, even LA +0 templates, that I could legally apply to a half-elf. I’d been considering dragonborn, but Races of the Dragon explicitly states that dragonborn lose their dragonmarks and have to pick new feats, so that’s useless to me. I’m aware there are a few other LA +0 templates out there, but since I’m aware of them, they’re not what I’m asking about in this question.

  1. Races of Faerûn discusses the half-aquatic-elf and the half-drow, but neither of these changes anything about their stats. (Turns out they do have differences, Races of Faerûn’s just laid out in an extremely confusing manner and I missed it. See J.Mini’s answer.)

Best Answer

I know you've said you're uninterested in LA +0 templates, but I recommend at least investigating the racial variants found in Dragon 306, on page 60. The article is entitled "Racial Variants," and while they are nominally templates, they're in a grey space between a traditional template like Fiendish and a subrace like Wood Elf. Closer to the latter than the former, I would argue.

Each of the six variants—Aquatic, Arctic, Deep, Desert, Magic-Blooded, and Wild—has fleshed out sections on Personality, Physical Description, Relations, Alignment, Lands, Religion, and Adventurers, just as though it were a race in the Player's Handbook, and indeed they can only be applied to the base races found in the PHB.

I dismissed them as cheesy Dragon material for a number of years, familiar with them only in various lists of playable templates or from handbooks. But having actually read the article, I think they're quite neat, and pretty moderate. The power level of LA +0 races is highly disparate, with most of the PHB races (with the notable exception of Humans) close to the bottom of that range.

An Arctic Half-Orc (from Dragon 306), who gets +2 Con and -2 Cha over a regular Half-Orc, and minor frost-themed bonuses, is still probably worse than a Water Orc (from Unearthed Arcana), and a Magic-Blooded Halfling or what have you is probably worse than a Lesser Aasimar (Players Guide to Faerûn), and so forth. I do love the infamous all-planetouched party, but if you're in a campaign that permits the more powerful LA +0 races, it can be nice to add a little boost to the traditional PHB races, so it feels less like you're missing out on stats by playing one of them.

Many of the best ones even make some sense in this case. The seat of House Lyrandar, Stormhome, uses magic to maintain a temperate climate despite being so far north, but it might be plausible for an Arctic Half-Elf to have grown up outside those weather magics and still be a member of House Lyrandar. Magic-Blooded could be from anything, really (perhaps even those aforementioned weather magics). You could even do Aquatic—Stormhome is an island, after all. I'm sure someone better versed in Eberron could come up with better backstory, but the point is that many of the variants are pretty lore-friendly. It's not like trying to play a Lesser Fey'ri (plausibly a half-elf lore-wise, though definitely not a Half-Elf rules-wise) in Eberron.

Basically, though the racial variants in Dragon 306 are called templates, I think it's much better to view them akin to the environmental variants found in Unearthed Arcana, and given that there don't appear to have been satisfactory answers so far, it's worth giving Dragon 306 some consideration.