Error: Unable to resolve nonexistent file


I am getting this error while creating the lightning web component. Component files were created successfully but this error popped up. How to solve it or should I ignore it.

12:26:51.167 Starting SFDX: Create Lightning Web Component cannot open
Detail: Unable to read file
(Error: Unable to resolve nonexistent file

Other Details:

OS: Linux Mint
VS code version: 1.63.2 (03/Jan/2022)

Best Answer

LWC component names should start with a lower case character. From what I can tell this is the reason for your problem. I suggest "calculator".

From the documentation:

The folder and its files must follow these naming rules.

  • Must begin with a lowercase letter

Don't ask me why there's no better error message than the one you got (or why this is not enforced in the first place).