Remove text from String between characters which appear more than once


I have a String value from a Long Text field that contains Name/Email values. I need to extract only the names separated by a semi colon when there are multiple entries (no semi colon in the text if only one name) using Apex/String methods into another variable. Essentially strip out anything that begins with the pipe delimiter ' | ' and ends with '.com' (will always end in '.com').

Single value scenario: 
John Test | [email protected]

John Test

Multiple values scenario:
Scott Rogers | [email protected]; Mike Smith | [email protected]; Matt White | [email protected]

Scott Rogers; Mike Smith; Matt White

I've tried using substring/left/right but my approach may not be correct as I'm getting a null value each time and I also believe I need an array/list to grab each entry if multiple matches.

String s1 = 'Scott Rogers | [email protected]; Mike Smith | [email protected]; Matt White | [email protected]';

String s2 = s1.right(1).substringBetween(' |','.com');

Best Answer

You can use two splits which will work for both single set and multiple values.

Also remember to use \\ as | gets treated as special character.

String str = 'John Test | [email protected]';

List<String> strings = str.split(';');
for(String eachString : strings){
    List<String> nameSplits = eachString.split('\\|');
    System.debug(nameSplits.get(0).removeStart(' '));


09:46:42.13 (14393997)|USER_DEBUG|[7]|DEBUG|John Test

String str = 'Scott Rogers | [email protected]; Mike Smith | [email protected]; Matt White | [email protected]';

List<String> strings = str.split(';');
for(String eachString : strings){
    List<String> nameSplits = eachString.split('\\|');
    System.debug(nameSplits.get(0).removeStart(' '));


09:47:29.7 (8706488)|USER_DEBUG|[6]|DEBUG|Scott Rogers
09:47:29.7 (8760453)|USER_DEBUG|[6]|DEBUG|Mike Smith
09:47:29.7 (8794915)|USER_DEBUG|[6]|DEBUG|Matt White
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