[SalesForce] Apex validations removing parameters from url

I have a VF page which has a Save and cancel button and i am using this page on Sites.

The issue that i have is
Whenever there is a validation like a Required field is not entered then an apex:message is shown that value is required. But after that the parameters in the url is lost.

For example

If the url of the VF page is

after the validation error url changes to

(It removes the parameters)

<apex:commandButton action="{!SaveResult}" value="Submit" styleclass="btn btn-primary"/>

SaveResult is a controller method where i save the record. Everything works fine when all the values are entered correct.

I am using the required in VF page this way.

<apex:inputField value="{!field_disp[f.fieldPath]}" required="{!OR(f.required, f.dbrequired)}"  styleClass="form-control"/>

Any thoughts what could be causing this?


Best Answer

If you don't put a rerender in the commandbutton, it will rerender the entire page if null is returned from the SaveResult method. And it rerenders the page without the page parameters. I guess the same happens for the required="true" parameter.

When I had this problem I added rerender="[some id of e.g. the form]" to the commandbutton, which made it work fine because it will only rerender that part and leave the url as it is.