[SalesForce] ContentDocumentLink insertion fails

I want to share all records with admin user using next trigger:

trigger ContentVersionTrigger on ContentVersion (after insert) {
    system.debug('sdfsdf' + Trigger.new);
    for (ContentVersion item : Trigger.new) {

        ContentDocumentLink link = new ContentDocumentLink();
        link.LinkedEntityId = Id.valueOf('005E0000007Sew5IAC');
        link.ContentDocumentId = item.ContentDocumentId;
        link.ShareType = 'V';
        link.Visibility = 'AllUsers';
        insert link;



It throws next exception:

Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY, Invalid sharing type V: [ShareType]

Who knows how to fix it?

If I use 'I' instead of 'V' I have another error:

Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error:
FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, Document with ID: 0690L000003rtLV is
already linked with the entity with ID: 005E0000007Sew5: Linked Entity
ID: [LinkedEntityId]

But it's not true, such record doesn't exist

Best Answer

Using visibility to all users:

link.Visibility = 'AllUsers';

You should also set the share type to this:

link.ShareType = 'I';

Which means:

Inferred permission. The user’s permission is determined by the related record. For shares with a library, this is defined by the permissions the user has in that library.

You can find more info here