Apex LWC – Date Range Query from LWC to Apex

I have this method getFarmData being called from LWC

        public static List<RecordWrapper> getFarmData(String listView, Integer Count) {
            if (listView== 'OWNER_FARMS') {
                return getFarms();
if (listView== 'ALL_FARMS') {
            return getAllFarms();
        if (listView== 'VERIFIER_VISITS') {
            return getVerifierVisits();
            return null;

    //this method is to get the list of farms owned by running user.
    private static List<RecordWrapper> getFarms() {
        String user = UserInfo.getUserId();
        String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Farm_Owner__c, Verifier_Visits__c, CreatedDate FROM Farm__c' +
            ' WHERE Farm_Owner__c= :user' + 
            ' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 100';
        List<Farm__c> farmData =  Database.query(query);
        List<RecordWrapper> results = new List<RecordWrapper>();
        for (Farm__c f: farmData ) {
            results.add(new RecordWrapper(f));
        return results;

I also have a date range selection in the same lwc, by selecting the from & to dates, user should see the data for that particular range.
enter image description here

String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Farm_Owner__c, Verifier_Visits__c, CreatedDate FROM Farm__c' +
            ' WHERE Farm_Owner__c= :user' AND (CreatedDate >+ :fromDate AND  CreatedDate >+ :toDate + 
            ' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 100';

Can someone help me on how to make this happen on click of "Set Range" button??

Thank you

Update (LWC Code Snippet)

multiple listviews can be selected:

<lightning-combobox style="width: fit-content;" name="listview" value={listValue} options={listOptions} onchange={handleViewChange} ></lightning-combobox>

custom component with sorting and filtering:

 <c-reusable-grid fields-list={fieldsList} grid-data={gridData.data} id-field-name="Id" records-per-page="20"
                        show-select-checkbox="false" >


@track listValue = 'ALL_FARMS';
    @track fromDate = null;
    @track toDate = null;
    @track fieldsList = [
                { name: "Farm_Owner", title: "Farm Owner", type: "text", filtering: true, sorting: true},
                { name: "Verifier_Visits__c", title: "Visits", type: "text", filtering: true, sorting: true},
                { name: "CreatedDate", title: "Created Date", type: "date", filtering: true, sorting: true}

        @wire(getFarmData, { listView: '$listValue', Count: '$refreshCount' }) gridData;

            get listOptions(){
                return [
                    {label: 'All Farms', value: 'ALL_FARMS'},
                    {label: 'My Farms', value: 'MY_FARMS'},
                    {label: 'Verifier Visits', value: 'VERIFIER_VISITS'}
    handleViewChange(event) {
            this.listValue = event.detail.value;

Best Answer

There's no reason for dynamic queries here; Salesforce is smart enough to ignore criteria that doesn't make sense. You can simply use the following instead:

public static RecordWrapper[] getFarmData(DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime) {
    RecordWrapper[] results = new RecordWrapper[0];
    for(Farm__c record: [
        SELECT Name, Farm_Owner__c, Verifier_Visits__c, CreatedDate
        FROM Farm__c
        WHERE Farm_Owner__c = :UserInfo.getUserId() AND
            CreatedDate >= :startDateTime AND
            CreatedDate <= :endDateTime
        ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 100
        ]) {
        results.add(new RecordWrapper(record));
    return results;

If you only plan on returning values on a certain "list view", don't call the server unnecessarily.

Pass in the start and end date values; if the values are null, they will be ignored in the query.

I included LIMIT 100, but is that really necessary? Does a user have more than 50,000 farms to deal with? Also, is the "wrapper" really necessary? It seems like a lot of overhead for no real reason; you can directly transform the results in your wire method or just use the field names as-is. Consider simplifying your code design.

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