[SalesForce] Event record type selection is bypassed from Activities list view

I have two Event record types specified.

When I create an Event from the Home tab via the New Event button or when I create an Event directly on a record (e.g., an Opportunity) via the New Event button I am taken to the Select Event Record Type screen to select a record type.

However, when I create an Event from the Activities list view (i.e., /007) it bypasses the Select Event Record Type screen and uses the default record type specified on the profile.

Why is the Select Event Record Type screen bypassed when the Event is created from the Activities list view?

Best Answer

AFAIK this is unexpected behavior and should be logged with support. There isn't any reason I've seen for why a list view button should behave any differently with respect to record type selection.

Update and Workaround

For reasons unknown (and which feel like a bug) all activity new task/event buttons skip the record type selection page.  As the question, @PeterKnolle, found out the work around is to create a custom button using the task based url which will support record type selection, i.e. {!URLFOR($Action.Task.NewTask)} and replace the standard New Task button where needed.


It appears that the issue is related to whether the button is an Activity button (vs. a Task or Event). In a related post the questioner had a custom list view button that was skipping the record type selection page. Originally they had been using $Action.Activity.NewTask and after switching to $Action.Task.NewTask the record type selection page re-appeared.

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