[SalesForce] Force.com IDE: Unable to fetch and save Force.com Components to Project

I had a project added in Eclipse Force.com IDE, which was working fine.

Then I removed the project and added it back. This time I got a null pointer error:

enter image description here

Here's a paste of the logfile (from workspace/.metadata/.log:


Googling, I see this problem has been around for several years.

I've tried rolling back to Java 6, which seems to be the most popular internet solution. This doesn't work. I've tried uninstalling everything Eclipse related, and reinstalling. This doesn't work.

ETA: Just tried rolling back to Java 6 update 27. Still no good.

NB The credentials work. The instance host is not reporting any issues on https://trust.salesforce.com/trust/status/

Using Eclipse Keplar on Windows 7.

Best Answer

This looks like an exception on the server side as it is fetching the components. T

  1. What version of the Force.com IDE are you using? Are you using hhttp://media.developerforce.com/force-ide/eclipse42? Also, how are you authenticating?
  2. Are you using username+password+token or using a session ID? This depends on what you entered on the dialog for creating a new project.
  3. When you reinstalled Eclipse, are you using the same workspace? What happens when you use a different workspace?