[SalesForce] How to access nested JSON (sub-objects) in data

I'm using the dataobject tag to parse JSON that is in a variable as described by:


How do I access nested objects?

 var @Json2
 set @Json2 = ' { "workInfo" : {"emailaddress":"sam@example.com ","Region":"East","State":"North Carolina","City":"Charlotte" }, "homeInfo" : { "emailaddress":"same@home.com", "Region":"East", "State":"North C", "City": "Charlotte" } }' 
{{.dataobject JsonVar2 type=variable source=@Json2 maxrows=20}}
          {"target": "@Json2"} 
work info : {{workInfo.emailaddress}}


I tried using {{workInfo.emailaddress}} but was not successful.

Best Answer

As part of the January 2016 release SFMC added a "nested" datasource type that can be used to extract nested data objects as you have done here with SSJS. The syntax is a little clunky as it requires you to create a new datasource for each layer of the JSON data that you access. Here is an example of how to use GTL to extract the data from your sample:

var @Json2
set @Json2 = ' { "workInfo" : {"emailaddress":"sam@example.com ","Region":"East","State":"North Carolina","City":"Charlotte" }, "homeInfo" : { "emailaddress":"same@home.com", "Region":"East", "State":"North C", "City": "Charlotte" } }'

{{.datasource JsonVar2 type=variable source=@Json2 maxrows=20}}
{"target": "@Json2"}

    {{.datasource workInfo type=nested maxRows = 20}}
    { "target" : "JsonVar2.workInfo" }
        work info : {{emailaddress}}<br>

    {{.datasource homeInfo type=nested maxRows = 20}}
    { "target" : "JsonVar2.homeInfo" }
        home info : {{emailaddress}}<br>


And yields the following output:

work info : sam@example.com 
home info : same@home.com
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