[SalesForce] How to know all fields for a query

I am very very new to Salesforce. I inherited a project which is using the SOAP API and PHP. There are some queries already written but I need to edit them.

One of the queries is:

      ID, Name, of_Members_Registered__c, of_Members_that_Attended__c, Event_Date__c,Venue_Name_Lookup__c

Now, I downloaded the force.com IDE, when I look at the Events__c table, I don't see all those fields. When I go to create -> object in the Salesforce Setup panel, I don't see those other fields.

I understand those are custom fields, but how do I know which custom fields I can access through the query where the FROM is Events__c, is there anywhere where I can see that? I hope my question is clear. Thanks!

Best Answer

Couple of easy ways to get your head around all the accessible fields:

  • as you did, go to Setup > Create > Objects > Event and scroll to Custom Fields & Relationships,

  • use Workbench then Jump to Standard and Custom Objects > Event__c > Fields

    enter image description here

  • or use Developer Console then File > Open > Objects > Event__c

    developer console