[SalesForce] What are the SOQL queries for the actvityHistory and OpenActivity Related lists

Does anyone know what soql queries you would run on Task and Event equivalent to what salesforce uses to generate the Activity History and Open Activities related lists.

The OpenActivity and ActivityHistory views get you this but they don't work for my use-case as I need to perform aggregate queries and I have a custom formula field which shows as null when queried through those views.

In general I know that it is something like the following:

contact/lead task: select id from task where whoid = :recordID
    history: and isclosed = true
    open: and isclosed = false
account/opp/.../custom object event: select id from event where whatid = :recordID
    history: and ((isalldayevent = true and activitydate <= today) OR (isalldayevent = false and enddatetime < now)

but there is a lot of special logic. e.g.

  • accounts and parent accounts will see activities related to their
  • I think there are some nuances around how ActivityDate is handled for recurring tasks/events as well.
  • manywho (shared activities) and invitee events need some special handling as well I believe.

Best Answer

Greg, would queries like the following solve your problem?

SELECT Id, Name,
    (SELECT Id FROM OpenActivities),
    (SELECT Id FROM ActivityHistories)
FROM Account

You can find more information on OpenActivity and ActivityHistory in the SOAP API Developer's Guide.