[SalesForce] How to remove/customize custom objects from Salesforce1 menu

I have got 4 custom objects in my Org. and when I view it in Salesforce1, I only want to display 2 of them in the menu. Could anyone suggest me on how to customize the menu in Salesforce1 by allowing to display only those objects that we want.

Best Answer

The Smart Search/Recent menu group in Salesforce1 initially shows objects for which the user has recently searched, and when expanded, shows all tabs in Apps to which the user has access. If the user has customized her tabs to add or remove tabs to which they have access from All Tabs but not in an App, then those are the object tabs that are available.

It is not possible to offer a user different tabs in Salesforce1 than they have in the full UI. If you want to limit Salesforce1 access to only two custom objects, the two permitted object tabs should be in an App that the user has access to, and the other two objects' tabs should be Hidden.

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