[SalesForce] How To Retrieve LeadConvertSettings with Force.com Migration Toolkit

I've been trying to retrieve Lead Conversion field mappings in order to add them to Metadata for deployment. I noted in https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_leadconvertsettings.htm that Lead conversion settings should be available since API version 39.0. I've tried


and this returns all settings except Lead settings.
I've even tried


Even though I'd guessed this would not work.

I have the Version 39 ant-salesforce.jar file and have specified 39.0 in my package.xml file but no dice so far.

Does anyone know hot to retrieve the LeadConversion Mappings to allow them to be deployed via metadata instead of requiring a manual post deployment step.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Best Answer

In package.xml file with 39 version of API. It works
