[SalesForce] How to upload to “My Personal Documents”

In Salesforce, editing an app, one option is "Choose the Image Source for the Custom App Logo". When I click the "Insert an Image" button, it pops up a window to add a file from a dropdown "My Personal Documents."

enter image description here

However, I cannot find where to upload an image to "My Personal Documents" anywhere in the Salesforce documentation. Can someone please point me to where to do this?

I am looking for specific instructions like, "Click the Setup link in the upper right nav, then click the ___ link/button, " etc.

ETA: I have found this help page, which starts with "On the Libraries tab," and they have lost me right there. Where is the Libraries tab?

Best Answer

If you're in Classic, from your Home page, click on the + sign all the way to the right of the Menu at the top of the page where your Objects and Apps are are listed to get a list of all Apps. Then click on Documents if it's not already displayed. That will open up a dialogue to give you access to it. You can add that to your customizations.