[SalesForce] Ids in Salesforce – Same across environments

  1. Let us say, I have a recordType for an object in Production. Assuming RecordTypeId is a12345678, if I "refresh" a sandbox (Not a full copy sandbox), the recordType will be created in the refreshed sandbox with the same recordTypeId. Is this correct?

  2. I created a recordType for an object in my dev sandbox (Not a full copy sandbox) (The recordType doesn't exist in Production yet). Let us assume the RecordTypeId is a12345678 in the sandbox. If through change sets, I move it to Production, will the recordTypeId be the same in Production as well?

  3. I know that full-copy sandboxes Ids will be the same as in Production. But what about developer or developer-pro sandboxes? Are all the Ids the same? (I'm not talking about data record Ids.)

Best Answer

  1. yes the record type ids will be the same. And that's not just for record types, field ids and any object prefixes (first three parts of a record id) will also be the same.

  2. they will differ. If you create record types, fields or objects their ids will be different once deployed to production.

  3. yes once they are refreshed from production.

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