[SalesForce] Json parse in emails with ampscript

Im trying to parse some weather json data in my email. But I cant quite fiqure out the syntax. With this code I'm trying to get the main.temp value printed. Below is my code so far, but it dosnt work 🙁

var @Json 
set @Json = '{
"weather": [
        "id": 800,
        "main": "Clear",
        "description": "clear sky",
        "icon": "01n"
"main": {
    "temp": 275.66,
    "pressure": 1022,
    "humidity": 80,
    "temp_min": 272.15,
    "temp_max": 278.15
"sys": {
    "type": 1,
    "id": 5245,
    "message": 0.0065,
    "country": "DK",
    "sunrise": 1459485462,
    "sunset": 1459532996
{{.dataobject JsonVar type=variable source=@Json maxrows=20}}

Best Answer

You have to define another dataSource for the sub-object:

var @Json
set @Json = '{
         "description":"clear sky",

{{.dataobject JsonVar type=variable maxrows=20}}
@Json: %%=v(@Json)=%%
{{#each JsonVar}}

  {{.datasource JsonMain type=nested maxRows = 10}}
              { "target" : "JsonVar.main" }
    <br><br>JsonMain.temp: {{JsonMain.temp}}
    <br>JsonMain.pressure: {{JsonMain.pressure}}
    <br>JsonMain.humidity: {{JsonMain.humidity}}
    <br>JsonMain.temp_min: {{JsonMain.temp_min}}
    <br>JsonMain.temp_max: {{JsonMain.temp_max}}


@Json: { "weather":[ { "id":800, "main":"Clear", "description":"clear sky", "icon":"01n" } ], "main":{ "temp":"275.66", "pressure":1022, "humidity":80, "temp_min":272.15, "temp_max":278.15 }, "sys":{ "type":1, "id":5245, "message":0.0065, "country":"DK", "sunrise":1459485462, "sunset":1459532996 } }

JsonMain.temp: 275.66
JsonMain.pressure: 1022
JsonMain.humidity: 80
JsonMain.temp_min: 272.15
JsonMain.temp_max: 278.15
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