[SalesForce] Lightning datatable checkbox remains checked after multi delete in LWC

In my LWC, I have multi-delete functionality. I need to check the records using checkbox and press the delete button to delete. After deleting a record, the next record automatically gets checked. Ideally, all checkboxes should remain unchecked after delete is completed.

EG: Please find the screenshot below. Out of 3 records, I deleted 1st record and after it was deleted, the checkbox remained checked for the 2nd record.

How can I clear the checkbox after deletion? I checked here. It's working fine for aura but not for LWC. Is it a salesforce issue? Please guide. Thank you!
enter image description here

Datatable code.

<div class="slds-table_bordered slds-table_striped slds-scrollable slds-m-around_medium">
            <lightning-datatable key-field="id" data={addresses} columns={columns} onrowaction={handleRowActions}>

Delete button code.

deleteAdd(currentRow) {
        let selected = this.template.querySelector('lightning-datatable').getSelectedRows();//get selected records
        let CRIdArray = [];//add all relationship IDs in array 
        selected.forEach(row => {
            if (row.Role!=='Account') {
            deleteAddress({deleteIds: CRIdArray})//delete address using apex
            .then(result => {
                // refreshing table data using refresh apex
                return refreshApex(this.refreshTable);
            .catch(error => { //Showing error if any
                //catch errors

Best Answer

As it stands now, I'm pretty sure you're "recycling" the id field, which is causing the odd behavior you're seeing. Each row in the table should have a unique ID (such as the Salesforce ID), and should not be generated in a way that an unrelated row should match an ID of a previously selected row. The key field is used to determine if a row is a different row than a previous render, so if you're recycling ID values, this is the behavior you get.

You should apparently be using CRId as your key field:

<lightning-datatable key-field="CRId" data={addresses} columns={columns} onrowaction={handleRowActions}>

Side note:

In JavaScript, it's customary to use the appropriate Array method instead of this awkward forEach-push loop. In your case:

let CRIdArray = selected.map(row => row.CRId);
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