[SalesForce] Lightning Page in Community

I have created a lightning page & enabled for certain app, profile, record type.

The page is appearing as expected in lightning experience.

My question is, can I use the lightning page (Record page) in Salesforce Community? I am using napili template for my community & license used is Customer Community Plus.

Is it possible or not? If possible, can someone tell me the steps?

Thank you very much for all your answers/comments in advance.

Best Answer

You cannot use lightning page in community. You need to create a community page using community builder.

Documentation here

  1. Navigate to Setup --> Communities and click on builder against your community enter image description here
  2. Create a new page in the community builder by clicking new page inside builder bottom of pages pane you will see an option to create a new page enter image description here
  3. Once the page is created, drag and drop the component you wish to see in the community.If its a custom component dont forget to add the interface implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes"to the component.

4.Publish the page by clicking publish button on right side top of the builder and it will be visible inside the community for users.