Lightning – Fix Input Fields Not Displayed in lightning:recordEditForm

I'm trying to create a new form for a custom Object in salesforce.
This is my form Code:

<lightning:recordEditForm aura:id="MyFormId"

            <lightning:card iconName="utility:edit"  title="Edit" >                
                <div class = "slds-p-horizontal_large" >

                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="MarketAccount__c"/>
                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="TotalAmount__c"/>
                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="Active__c"/>
                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="LoanFunnel__c"/>
                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="Event__c"/>

                    <div class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-end slds-p-vertical_medium"> 
                        <lightning:button variant="brand"   label="Cancel" />
                        <lightning:button variant="brand"   label="Submit" type="submit" />


Here is the Issue:
The form is missing some fields and im not sure the reason:

enter image description here

I'm expecting 5 fields but there are being showing only 3.

MarketAccount__c type: lookup

TotalAmount__c type: number

Active__c type: checkbox

LoanFunnel__c type: lookup

Event__c type: lookup

Best Answer

Solved! It was a field accessibility issue.

The fields: MarketAccount__c and Active__c missed the user accessibility configs when them were moved with a changeset to my sandbox.

It was solved adding user rights following this steps