[SalesForce] Need Package.xml for profile Deployment

Requirement: I am trying to Deploy Profiles.
I have made changes in;

  1. Object Permissions
  2. User permissions
  3. Enabled Apex Class
  4. Visual-force pages
  5. Custom App setting
  6. Connected App Access

What will be the package.xml for this.
Currently i have included porfiles in package.xml ,is this fine.
Please provide me sample Package.xml file

Best Answer

Refer following documents. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/manifest_samples.htm


You extract meta data belongs to the profile you need and your extracted file contains information for object settings, app settings, Apex and VF access.

Updated : Here's a good explanation

What is the best way to deploy profiles in Salesforce? (especially system admin)

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