[SalesForce] New tab in browser (Lightning Service Console App)

We have an application that pulls URLs from configuration and creates buttons for such user defined URLs. Because we are in a console navigation environment, every time these URLs are internal, instead of opening a new browser tab, it creates a console sub-tab.

enter image description here

Initially I thought it was great, but noticed many of the pages are not optimized to finalize under a console tab (return URLs and redirects break the tab on finish) so now I'm wanting all pages to open in a new browser tab. Currently invoking a redirect NavigationMixin.Navigate which works fine for externally hosted pages. Is there a way to change this behavior for same domain pages? The premise is that I can't touch the destination pages at all, just the page with the buttons in the console.

        if (this.tilePageRegion==='New Tab'){ // open new tab
                    type: 'standard__webPage',
                    attributes: {
                        url: this.tileUrl
        }else {
            location.href = this.tileUrl; //Same page replaces full page

Best Answer

if you want new browser tab, you should not really use NavigationMixin - it will simply add the url to current url as it takes it as partial url (bug). So, instead you can use window.open directly:

if (this.tilePageRegion === 'New Tab') {
    window.open(this.tileUrl, '_blank');