[SalesForce] Salesforce CPQ: Contracted Pricing is Not Overriding Pricing Rule Price

If a product has only a list price and contracted pricing for the product and particular account is setup, whenever the user is adding that product to the Quote under that particular account, the contracted pricing is affecting. But this is not happening when the Product price is updating from Price Rule instead of List Price.

So, am confused with the cpq quote price order of execution.

Am I missing anything or it is a bug in Salesforce CPQ?.

Best Answer

There's a few options here depending on the business need (just replying with one solution for now):

If the Contracted Price will always supersede the price rule(s): - Add a 'Price Condition': Price Condition for Price Rule - This will ensure the Price Action will only fire if the 'Contracted Price' (API: SBQQ__ContractedPrice__c - Quote Line) is blank.

I'll stop there for now in case that resolves the issue but this is highly dependent on the complexity of the CPQ configuration.

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