[SalesForce] Unable to create dataset in Wave Analytics Dataset Builder

Can anyone help to shed some light on my issue? I have created the custom object called 'Iris__c' in Salesforce (Dev edition). The obj contains 149 records. What I am puzzled about now is that when I try to create a dataset in Wave Analytics for the custom object, I am unable to pick it from object selection popup in Dataset builder.

Here is what I have done/confirmed so far.

  1. Dataflow Definition File

"Extract_Iris": {
"action": "sfdcDigest",
"parameters": {
"object": "Iris__c",
"fields": [
{ "name": "Id" },
{ "name": "Name" },
{ "name": "PetalLength__c" },
{ "name": "PetalWidth__c" },
{ "name": "SepalLength__c" },
{ "name": "SepalWidth__c" },
{ "name": "IrisClass__c" }

  1. the job to load the records was successfully finished indicating that input/output rows were 149.
    enter image description here
  2. I cant see 'Iris'(custom object name I've created) in object selection.
    enter image description here

Best Answer

I found the solution from Vrakmhare's post here https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/a/119909/24202

The thing is Dataflow's json file needs to have two kinds of nodes - to digest sf records and to register them.

My json file now looks like this. enter image description here

After a successful reload, now I can see dataset created. enter image description here enter image description here

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