[SalesForce] Unable to Insert ContentVersion record as a Community User in Test Class

I'm unable to create ContentVersion records running a test class as a Partner Community user. I have created a Partner user using the same methods displaying in the test class, tested the process manually and works properly. It is annoying since it's only failing in the test class. I'm using a public class and I have granted access to all the involved objects and fields.


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first
the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested.
Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access
is necessary.: [NetworkId]

Fragment of the Test Class:

static testMethod void uploadFiles() {

    //Creating Broker Data
    Account partnerAcc = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateAccount();
    partnerAcc.IsPartner = true;
    update partnerAcc;
    Contact partnerCon = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateContact(partnerAcc.Id);
    User contactUser = TestDataFactoryCls.createUserFromContact(partnerCon, 'Partner Community Clone');
    //Creating Data Owned by the Broker
    Account acct = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateAccount();
    Contact contact = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateContact(acct.Id);
    Opportunity opp1 = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateOpportunity(acct.Id, contact.Id,'fixed investor v5', 'Asset', 'Purchase', 'Closed Won', partnerCon.Id, partnerAcc.Id);
    Opportunity opp2 = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateOpportunity(acct.Id, contact.Id,'fixed investor v5', 'Asset', 'Refi', 'Application', partnerCon.Id, partnerAcc.Id);
    System.debug('opp2 before ' + opp2.StageName + ' ' + opp2.AFS_Referrer_Name__c + ' ' + opp2.Broker_Contact__c);
    List<Loan_Doc_Sort__c> lds = [SELECT Id, Loan_Documentation__c, Loan__c, Document__c, Comment_History__c, Comment__c, Status__c FROM Loan_Doc_Sort__c WHERE Loan__c = :opp2.Id];
    Loan_Doc_Sort__c ld1 = lds[0];

    System.runAs(contactUser) {           
       ContentVersion cv3 = new ContentVersion();
       cv3.title = 'test content trigger';      
       cv3.PathOnClient ='test';           
       cv3.VersionData =Blob.valueOf('Test Content'); 
       cv3.FirstPublishLocationId =  ld1.Id;        
       insert cv3;

Best Answer

The community user should have access to Loan_Doc_Sort__c record to upload files on it.

You have few options,

  1. Change the OWD of Loan_Doc_Sort__c to public read-only external
  2. Create a manual share record for Loan_Doc_Sort__c after insert and share it with the commnunity user.
  3. Ensure The community user is the one creating the Loan_Doc_Sort__c in the test class

    static testMethod void uploadFiles() {
    //Creating Broker Data
    Account partnerAcc = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateAccount();
    partnerAcc.IsPartner = true;
    update partnerAcc;
    Contact partnerCon = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateContact(partnerAcc.Id);
    User contactUser = TestDataFactoryCls.createUserFromContact(partnerCon, 'Partner Community Clone');
    //Creating Data Owned by the Broker
    System.runAs(contactUser) {           
        Account acct = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateAccount();
        Contact contact = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateContact(acct.Id);
        Opportunity opp1 = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateOpportunity(acct.Id, contact.Id,'fixed investor v5', 'Asset', 'Purchase', 'Closed Won', partnerCon.Id, partnerAcc.Id);
        Opportunity opp2 = TestDataFactoryCls.CreateOpportunity(acct.Id, contact.Id,'fixed investor v5', 'Asset', 'Refi', 'Application', partnerCon.Id, partnerAcc.Id);
        System.debug('opp2 before ' + opp2.StageName + ' ' + opp2.AFS_Referrer_Name__c + ' ' + opp2.Broker_Contact__c);
        List<Loan_Doc_Sort__c> lds = [SELECT Id, Loan_Documentation__c, Loan__c, Document__c, Comment_History__c, Comment__c, Status__c FROM Loan_Doc_Sort__c WHERE Loan__c = :opp2.Id];
        Loan_Doc_Sort__c ld1 = lds[0];
        ContentVersion cv3 = new ContentVersion();
        cv3.title = 'test content trigger';      
        cv3.PathOnClient ='test';           
        cv3.VersionData =Blob.valueOf('Test Content'); 
        cv3.FirstPublishLocationId =  ld1.Id;        
        insert cv3;