[SalesForce] We don’t support this API version. Use API version 32.0 or later to retrieve this process

I'm using the Salesforce Migration Tool (Ant) to deploy Salesforce changes. When I retrieve my changes, all changes are pulled down (even other flows/processes) except for one, which throws this warning/error:

[sf:retrieve] Request for a retrieve submitted successfully.
[sf:retrieve] Request ID for the current retrieve task: 09Sq0000005aYGYEA8
[sf:retrieve] Waiting for server to finish processing the request...
[sf:retrieve] Request Status: Pending
[sf:retrieve] Request Status: Succeeded
[sf:retrieve] Retrieve warnings (1):
[sf:retrieve] package.xml - We don't support this API version. Use API version 32.0 or later to retrieve this process: My_Fancy_Process-18
[sf:retrieve] Finished request 09Sq0000005aYGYEA8 successfully.

Total time: 12 seconds

This message is grossly vague, and I'm not finding a single hit about it on the web.

I verified I am using version 38.0 of the ant-salesforce.jar file. My package.xml version is 36.0.

Does anyone know how to get past this?

Best Answer

As it turns out, I needed to update my package.xml version to 38.0. After doing so, the process retrieved fine.

I cannot say for sure but I believe the issue was due to the offending process being marked as Invocable, which may be incompatible with version 36.0 of the API.

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