Flour – Homemade Corn Flour


I have a wondermill which I use for grinding wheat (I think it grinds it by blowing it through blades of something). Is there is some way for me to dry out frozen corn kernels so that I can send them through the grinder and come out with flour?

If I can grind dry corn somehow, is this something that'd risk breaking the machine? Please don't recommend a method if it's risky!

Best Answer

If you could, what you get wouldn't be your standard corn meal.

There are a few different varieties of corn, and what you get frozen would be 'sweet corn'. Corn meal and corn masa are made from either 'flour corn', 'dent corn' (aka 'field corn') or 'flint corn', all of which are lower sugar, higher starch, and allowed to dry in the field.

You'd have better luck trying to grind popcorn into flour. (which is yet another variety of corn, but has a harder outer husk that allows it to pop)

You might be able to find suitable corn for grinding in latin markets (as it's used to make masa for tortillas), or in feed stores (as it's used for animal feed).