Preserving small amounts of milk


My husband and I do not drink milk during the week, and rarely use it for cooking. However, on weekends when I am home I like to make coffee and have it with milk. The problem is it is very expensive to purchase even the smallest container of 2% milk at the store only to have it go bad before I've gotten more than a quarter of the way through it.

Is there a way I can preserve a quart of milk for my coffee, without it going bad? Is freezing an option? I am not a fan of milk alternatives, or the little creamer things that are shelf stable.

Best Answer

Freezing is most definitely one of the best options.

If you are only going to use a little at a time, then it would be a good idea to divide the quart into smaller portions so that you do not have to defrost the whole amount. You can use an ice-tray and take out just as many cubes as you need.