Sauce – Flour and water… at which temperature


What is the difference between adding hot, lukewarm or cold water to flour?


I'm curious about the following dishes, they all call for flour and some water and I'm not sure how warm the water should be:

  • Pizza dough
  • Flour tortillas
  • Quiche crust

Best Answer

Pizza Dough is usually a yeast bread so you want your water to be warm (100-110F) to activate the yeast without killing it.

Quiche crust, like pie crust, develops the best texture when the flour is mixed with the butter (or shortening) in a solid state, so you want to add other liquids at a cool temperature to prevent melting the butter to a liquid and creating a less flaky crust.

I am not really sure about tortillas, but with the first two examples you can see that temperature is important and differs from application to application.