Toasting chopped almonds


I want to add chopped toasted pecans to my stove top stuffing. How do I toast 1/4 cup of chopped almonds?

Best Answer

The main difference to the linked question is that we are talking about chopped nuts (pecans or almonds isn't much of a difference, the same principle applies) and only a small amount.

You could fire up your oven, but chopped nuts tend to dry and burn much quicker and for a tiny amount like 1/4 cup, heating up the oven sounds like overkill. You can use the oven method described here, but need to watch like a hawk to prevent scorching them. But for a small amount, a pan is just fine.

  • So get a small frying pan (non-stick would be good here but not mandatory) and heat it on medium heat on the stove. Do not add oil or anything else.
  • Add the copped nuts and keep stirring or flipping until they are fragrant and some start getting darker. Use your nose and eyes to determine when they are done.
  • As soon as your nuts have reached the desired roasting stage, remove them from the pan and pour them on a cool plate.