Should I add a return or another supply to a large room with only one supply


I just moved into a new house and I have that one room that always seems to be hot. It's on the 2nd floor of the house with the attic over it. The other 2 rooms on the 2nd floor are always a nice temperature.

The room is 23×20 with 9ft ceilings. There are 3 windows in the center of the back wall and the supply is centered over those windows.

There is no return at all in this room. I was wondering if I added a return would it help out with the heat. If I'm already adding a return then does it make sense to add another supply and if so where? Would it make sense to add a supply at the front and back of the rooms and the return in the middle (all in the ceiling)?

Best Answer

Adding a return and/or additional supplies may help. Adding a supply and a return would almost certainly help -- it might be overkill, but you could always close them off if needed.

The important point, however, is that this is a question of balance relative to other rooms. Knowing the best solution requires understanding the layout of your home and the sources of heating/cooling load. You mentioned this room has 3 windows; are they exposing this room to more solar heat gain than other rooms? Is it properly insulated? Are other rooms over-supplied? Is your home's entire cooling system undersized? All these factors should be considered before you make a change like adding ductwork. It could be that you need insulation, curtains, or even something as simple as closing vents in some other rooms.

There's a fair bit you might learn with some experimentation. Someone with HVAC expertise who can walk through your house would likely be able to evaluate quickly and suggest reasonable options. You could also have someone do detailed heat load calculations, but that may be overkill for your situation.