Walls – use to hang a frameless mirror


I'm looking to hang a mirror on the wall on my bathroom. It weighs about 20 or so lbs. There are no built in hooks on the back of the mirror? What should I use to hang this thing?

Best Answer

At Home Depot (or Lowes) you should be able to find these Spring Loaded Mirror Mounting Clips made specially for hanging a mirror. They are no where near as big as a j channel and the top two have a small spring inside of them so they kind of grasp the mirror (and snugly fit on the glass).

You put the two without the springs in the bottom and the mirror just sits in them. Two more (with the springs) added to the top prevent the mirror from falling forward. Of course it would be best if you can get them into a beam in your wall. And you will barely notice the clips on the mirror once it is in place.

Mirror mounting clips