Learn English – “and counting” “and holding” – what does this mean


When listening to Space Shuttle countdown I notice the endings "and counting" and "and holding". I can imagine what "and counting" means, but what is "and holding"? Countdown has stopped? Why?

Best Answer

Shuttle launches clock a countdown from T-43 hours (i.e., 43 hours before liftoff) to T-0 (liftoff). The clock is important, not just to watch the time go by, but because dozens of activities are keyed to it. For example, at T-2 minutes, the crew knows to close and lock their visors, and at T-6.6 seconds, they ignite the engine. For details go here.

If things are going smoothly, the clock runs and is said to be counting. If there's a problem, flight control stops the clock, and it is said to be "holding," from its meaning of grasping and not letting go.