Learn English – Another word for congenial or cordial


Someone was wrong about something. I explained to the person very kindly and with "social tact" how they were wrong and why the right answer was, in fact, the right answer. Subsequently this person became passive-aggressive in their actions. Now, I am explaining to a third party what occurred, and I want to convey that I was very cordial or congenial while explaining that the original person was incorrect, so as to say that it didn't warrant the outcome.

  1. Would congenial be appropriate here?
  2. Is cordial better than congenial? (What's the subtle difference?)
  3. Is there any other word that would be better suited to convey that I was very socially sensitive and friendly in the way I presented to the person why their answer was incorrect?

Best Answer

  1. I don't think so. Congenial means agreeable, sure, but that agreeability is because of similarities in preferences. See the Oxford definition.

  2. Cordial is certainly better.

  3. I think you should go with tactful and cordial.

If you're looking for another word, I'd suggest


correct and polite in a particular situation


In keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained


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