Learn English – English equivalent for the French expression “péter de santé”


Is there an expression/idiom in English that carries pretty much the same connotation as what is implied by French "péter de santé"?

WordReference actually gives for translation, "be bursting with health."

I'm not happy with that, though, because "burst" doesn't seem to convey in English all what the word "péter" carries in French.

Fact is, "péter de (or la) santé" conveys more something along the lines of, be/look so healthy/in great shape that it is indecent or might appear so to others.

And so, is there a raw, slangy phrase or idiom in English that might connote that idea of "being bursting with health to the point of indecency, or of being likely to appear indecent to others?



familier (émettre un gaz naturel) (colloquial) fart vi

(formal) pass wind/gas, break wind/gas v expr

(slang) drop one v expr : blow off vi + prep

manger à s'en faire péter le bide

familier (colloquial) eat til' bursting v; eat til' you burst

péter la santé

familier (colloquial) be in great health, be bursting with health v

As an example sentence, you might consider,

Check out that dude in black shorts, he looks [so healthy that it is indecent.)


Actually, I'm looking for something coarse/vulgar, with just about the same flavor as A Fish Named Wanda's famous line: Raw Quote

Best Answer

In English we have an expression that basically means someone is very healthy:

"fit as a fiddle" (which if taken literally, brings a strange picture to mind!)

According to the website knowyourphrase.com, the expression "fit as a fiddle" was used in the book "English-men for my Money", written in the year 1616 by Haughton William. Towards the end of the book, it reads:

"This is excellent ynfayth, as fit as a fiddle."

Another similarly alliterative expression is:

"healthy as a horse"