Learn English – n English equivalent for the Persian proverb “to play with tail of lion”


The Persian proverb to play with tail of lion is used informally. We use it to say that a certain situation is very dangerous. By saying it, we alert the the listener that the act which he or she is doing, is likely to harm or kill him or her.

Example: Driving too rapidly in a busy road is like playing with tail of lion.

Is there a proverb that would express the same thing in English?

It is necessary to say that I have already heard the expression to play with fire. I have to add that this proverb has a humorous connotation. The speaker wants both to alarm and to ridicule the listener. His or her aim is to say that the act is at the same time dangerous and foolish.

Best Answer

Playing with fire is similar. However, it implies only that the activity is highly dangerous (or foolish), but not necessary lethal.


There is also sailing close to the wind - which means taking unnecessary risks. I'd guess this is also less serious than the OP's example.


If someone is really endangering their life, we'd say they're dicing with death
