Learn English – the word for someone who wants to get the most out of his life


The phrase "to live fully" comes to mind, but is not quite what I'm looking for. I'm writing user stories in the form of

As a ______ [word], I want this and that, because I will lose less time.

so the intended usage is describing a customer or a user who wants to get the most out of his time and life, who wants to live his life to the fullest.

Alternatively, if this is too narrow, is there a word for someone who in general wants to get the most out of things he has or things he endeavors?

Best Answer

"lust for life" defines a strong desire to live a full and rich life.

  • "She had a lust for life like no one I have ever met."

A person who has a lust for life usually has a vitalizing energy, radiates joie de vivre and enjoys life fully.