Learn English – What does “six point something” mean


There was the following passage in a newspaper article, which I failed to take note of the source:

If he (Trump) seems better than expected, either by throwing Clinton
off her game or appearing calmer than a wound-up opponent who gives a
dense six-point answer
to every question, he might achieve something
similar to Reagan’s ‘There you go again!

Although I guess “six-point answer” means "full marks, a perfect answer," I’m not certain.

According to www.religionacts.com, 'six-points' stands for the six days of creation, and also represents the six attributes of God: power, wisdom, majesty, love, mercy and justice, but I don’t know how it relates to "six-point answer," or anything else.

What does “six-point answer (question, offense, defense, performance, whatever)" mean?

I’m also interested in the use of the adjective, “dense,“ which seems a bit incongruent to the word, answer, to me. Can I say “It’s a dense answer” colloquially in place of a perfect answer?

Best Answer

@HotLicks is exactly right. A dense six-point answer is an answer that has six points or parts, and dense refers to the answer comprising six parts (as opposed to one or two parts), to the complexity of one or more of the six parts, or to some combination of the two. A dense six-point answer is the opposite of a simple answer, e.g., a yes-or-no answer.

  • Point one
  • Point two
  • Point three
  • Point four
  • Point five
  • Point six